Owen, a withdrawn teenager in 1996, feels out of place in his suburban life. Everything changes when a classmate, Maddy, introduces him to a captivating late-night television show called "The Pink Opaque." This series delves into a fantastical world with teenage heroines battling supernatural threats. Owen becomes obsessed with the show, not just for its plot, but also for the camaraderie it fosters between him and Maddy.
Their friendship deepens as they delve into the show's mythology together. However, their world is shaken when "The Pink Opaque" is abruptly cancelled. With the show gone, the line between reality and the show's fantastical elements begins to blur for Owen. The once comforting glow of the television now seems to hold a sinister secret, and Owen's grip on reality starts to slip as he searches for answers and grapples with the show's sudden disappearance and its impact on his newfound connection with Maddy.